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    أهلاً بِكَ في أكاديمِيّة مانتور آند غايد الإلِكترونِيّة

    نُدَرّبك، نُمَرّنك، ونُرشِدُك

    إكتَشِف بَرامِجَنا التَّعَلُّمِيّة
    واصبح مدرّبًا مُعتَمَدًا دَوليًا
    البَرامِج مُتَوَفِّرة باللُّغتَين العَرَبِيّة والإنجليزيّة

    جَماعَة أكاديمِيَّتِنا الإلِكترونِيّة

    إنضَمّ إلى جَماعَتِنا الكُبرى في الشَّرق الأوسَط التي تَضُمُّ مُديرين ومُعالِجين نَفسِيّين ومُهَندسين، ومُدَرّسين، وأصحاب أعمال ومؤسَّسات.


    نَحنُ مُعتَمَدون دَولِيًّا، ونَلتَزِمُ بِمَعايير التَّعليم الدَّوليّة، وسَتَحصَل مِنّا على شَهادة مُعتَمَدة دَولِيًّا

    خارِطة مَسيرة التَّعَلُّم

    نُوَفِّر مِنهَجَ تَعليم ذاتِيًا كامِلًا، مع فيديوهات تَعليميّة مُسَجَّلة، ومُتابَعة فَرديّة لِكافّة طُلّابنا باللُّغَتَين العّرَبية والإنجليزية

    فُرصَة تِجاريّة

    حَوِّل دِراسَتَكَ إلى عَمَلٍ تِجارِيّ مِن خِلال تَدريِنا المُتَقَدّم لِتَطوير الأعمال التِّجارِيّة

    شَرِكة مُسَجَّلة في لبنان ودُبَي
    WhatsApp Image 2024-09-30 at 12.55.05
    فئِة الدَّورات

    شَرِكة مُسَجَّلة في لبنان ودُبَي

    يُساعِد مُدَرّب التوجيه المِهَني والتَّنفيذي النّاجِح والمُعتَمَد دَولِيًا جَميع الأشخاص على تَوسيع قُدُراتِهم بِشَكلٍ كَبير لِتَحقيق ما يلي:

    تَوجيه طُلّاب المَدارِس والجامِعات لاستِكشافِ الَمجالات المُحتَمَلة لتَخَصُّصاتهم ودِراساتِهم المُستَقبَلِيّة.

    تَحويل مِهنَةِ المُوَظَّفين إلى مَجالٍ مُختَلِفٍ.

    تَعزيز التَّوظيف الوَظيفي على المَدَيَين المُتَوَسِّط والبَعيد.

    القُدرَة على التَّكَيُّف مَعَ الظُّروف أو التِّقنِيّات أو الأدوار الوَظيفِيّة الجَديدة فتساعد بالتالي على البَقاء في الصَّدارة ووعلى ازدِهار مَكان العَمَل الذي في طَور التَّقَدُّم.

    تُوَفِّرُ شَهادَةُ تَدريبِ الشَّرِكات مُواءَمَةً إيجابِيّةً للمُؤَسَّسة التي تُقَدِّم إحساسًا بالأمان وتَسمَحُ للمُؤَسَّسات بأن تَكونَ أكثَرَ قُدرَةً على التَّعامُلِ مَعَ التَّغيير مِن خِلال النُّمو و/أو الاضطِراب.

    نَحنُ نَعلَمُ أنَّك مُتَحَمِّسٌ لِلعَمَلِ في مَجال تَدريب الإدارة العُليا، وعلى التَّغيير المؤسَّساتي، والتَّدريب الاِستراتيجي، والتَّدريب على مُستَوى المُدير التَّنفيذي/المُدير العام، وتَدريب فَريق المَوارِد البّشَرِيّة، والسِّياسات التَّنظيمِيّة وغَيرِها مِن عَمَلِيّات استِكشاف الأخطاء وإصلاحِها.

    ثَمَّة تَوَجُّهٍ مُتَزايِدٍ داخِل بيئات الشَّرِكات نَحو التَّركيز على تَحسين أداء الإدارَة العُليا والمُديرين المُتَوَسّطين والفُرَق المُختَلِفة داخِل المؤَسَّسة، مَع رِعاية ثَقافَة رَفاهِية الشَّرِكات أيضًا:

    التَّدريب الاحتِرافي في مَكان العَمَل

    التَّدريب والتَّخَصُّصات الأخرى ذات الصِّلة

    التَّحَوُّل إلى عامِل تَغيير في إطار المؤسَّسات

    بَعض الهُوِيّات والكَفاءات الأساسِيّة لِمُدَرّب مِكان العَمَل

    تَحديد الأهداف

    تَدريب وعِلم نَفس الأداء العالي

    الصِّحّة وخَطّ الأساس في المؤسَّسة

    كَيفِيّة مُساعَدَة النّاس على تَحقيق الذَّات الحّقيقِيّة

    تِقنِيّات حَلّ المُشكِلات

    دِراسة الشَّخصِيّة

    كَيفِيّة إنشاء بَرنامَج اللَّياقَة العَقلِيّة

    كَونُك مُدَرّب أطفال ومُراهِقين سَوفَ تَتَعَلَّم أفضَل التِّقنِيّات العِلمِيّة مِن أجلِ:

    اكتِشافِ العِلم الذي يُفَسِّرُ كيفيّة نُمُوّ وتَطَوُّر الأطفال والمُراهِقين.

    التَّركيزِ على كَيفِيَّة تَحَسُّن الأطفال والمُراهِقين في استِخدامِ حَواسِّهِم وتَنَقُّلِهِم.

    التَّعَمُّق في كّيفِيّة تَطوير الأطفال والمُراهِقين ذكائِهِم ومَهاراتِهِم للمَدرَسة.

    تَعَلُّم استراتيجِيّات فَعّالة لإرشادِ الأهل على فَهمِ تَطَوُّرِ أبنائِهِم ودَعمِهِ.

    اكتِشاف أساليب بِناء عَلاقات سَليمة بين الأهلِ والأبناء.

    اكتِساب الإرشادات التَّدريبيّة التي تُساعِد في تَمكين الأهلِ على رِعايَةِ نَمَوّ ورَفاهِية أبنائِهِم.

    سَوفَ تَتَعَلَّم كَيفِيّة استِخدام النَّماذِج القائِمة على الوقائِع والمُثبَتة بالتَّجارِب والأبحاث من أجل تَعديل وتَبادُل المُحَرّكات العاطِفِيّة، وتَغيير السُّلوكِيّات غَير المَرغوب فيها، واستِقرار السُّلوكِيّات الإيجابِيّة.

    مِن أجلِ إتقانِ ذاتِك إلَيكَ ما تَحتاجُ إلى تَعَلُّمِهِ في هذه الدَّورة التّدريبيّة:  

    التَّدريب واختِصاصات أُخرى ذات صِلة

    التَّدريب المُحتَرِف

    التَّغيير السُّلوكي

    الذَّكاء العاطِفي، تَعَدُّد الذَّوات، التَّصَوُّر الذّاتي، نَموذَج التَّغيير

    كَيفِيّة عَمَل الدّماغ والعَقل

    كَيفِيّة استِخدام نَماذِج التَّغيير العاطِفي المُثبَتة وتَغيير حَياة النّاس!

    تَحليل المُشكِلات الأساسِيّة بواسِطة مَبادِئ باريتو

    تِقنِيّات حَلّ المُشكِلات

    رَسم مُخَطَّطات النَّجاح بِتِقنِيّات العَقل المُبتَكِر للتَّخطيط

    إجراء تَحاليل التَّكاليف والفَوائِد من أجلِ اتّخاذ قَرارات صائِبة ومَدروسة

    كونك مُختَصًا مُتَمَكِّنًا بِعِلم نَهج الأعصاب سَوف تَقوم بالأُمور التّالِية:

    الاستِمتاع بِتَعَلُّم عِلمٍ قَويّ وعميق بطَريقة واضِحَة وسَهلة الإستيعاب.

     الشُّعور بالثِّقة في النَّفس أثناءَ تَفسير الأمور على طَريقَتِكَ الخاصّة وبأسلوبِكَ الخاص – يُمكِنُكَ إذًا أن تكون حَقيقيًّا أكثَر.

    إختِصار الكَثير مِنَ المَعلومات المَوجودة والتَّركيز فَقَط على المَعومات الأكثَر قِيمَةً لِعَمَلِكَ.

    التَّعامُل مَعَ التَّحَدّيات التي تَجِدها أثناءَ التَّدريب وتَطوير الأشخاص مِن خِلال الاعتِماد على ما تَعرِفُهُ عَنِ الدّماغ.

    النَّظَر في ما قَد يَدعَمُهُ العِلم ويُساعِدُ في شَرحِ الِمنهَجِيّات والنُّهُج الُمختَلِفة.

    العَمَل بِشَكلٍ أعمَق مَع عُمَلائِك وزُملائِك لأنّك تَفهَم المَزيد حَول كَيفِيّة تَأَثُّر السُّلوكِيّات.

    فَهم العِلم ذي الصّلة حتى تَتَمَكَّن مِنَ العَمَل مَعَه بِمُرونة كُلَّما اختَرتَ ذلك (لا تُوجَد تَعريفات أو نُصوص لتَتَعَلَّمها بَبَّغائيًا)

    ماذا سَتَفعَل كَمُدَرّب أهلٍ مُستَقبَلي؟

    الإرشاد:  تَقديم المَشورة الخَبيرة حَول تِقنِيّات واستراتيجيّات تَربِيَة الأولاد.

    الدَّعم العاطِفي: أن يَكون لَدَيك آذانٌ صاغِية وفَهمٌ عاطِفيّ للتَّحَدّيات التي يُواجِهُها الأهل.

    تَطوير المَهارات: المُساعَدة في صَقلِ مَهارات تَربية الأولاد وتِقنِيّات التَّواصُل الفَعّالة.

    حَلّ المُشكِلات: العَمَل بِتعاوُن مع الأهل مِن أجل تَحديد مُشكِلاتهِم ومَخاوِفِهِم وحَلّها.

    تَحديد الأهداف: مُساعَدَة الأهل على تَحديد أهداف واقِعِيَّة مِن أجل نُموّ عائلاتهم ونموّهم الشَّخصِي.

    بِناء الثّقة: دَعم الأهل في بِناء ثِقَتِهِم في قُدُراتِهِم الأبَوِيّة.

    إدارة الإجهاد: تَقديم الإستراتيجيّات للتعامُل مَع الإجهاد وإدارَتِه خلال رِحلة الأبوّة والأمومة.

    تَوطيد العَلاقات: تَسهيل عَمَليّة تَوطيد العلاقات بَين الأهل والأبناء والعَلاقات الأُسَرِيّة.

    أن تُصبِحُ مُدَرّب عَلاقات مُعتَمَد دَولِيًا يَشمُل اكتِساب مَجموعَة مُتَنَوّعة مِن المَهارات والمَعارِف في مُختَلَف مَجالات عِلم النَّفس، والتَّواصُل، وديناميكيّات العَلاقات. لِكَي تُتقِن هذا المَجال سوف تَتَعَلَّم ما يَلي:

    التَّدريب والاختِصاصات الأخرى ذات الصِّلة

    التَّدريب المُحتَرِف

    التَّدريب على أسُس العَلاقات

    عِلم نَفس العَلاقات

    مَهارات التَّواصُل

    فَضّ النِّزاعات وحَلّ المُشكِلات

    الأُلفة والتَّرابُط

    الديناميكيّات والعَلاقات الأُسَرِيّة

    تَقديم الدَّعم للعُمَلاء الذين يُعانون مِن الخِيانة أو عَدَم الوَفاء

    تِوفير الإرشاد للعُمَلاء الذين يَعيشون تَحَوُّلات مِحوَريّة في حَياتِهِم مثل الزَّواج أو الطَّلاق أو التَّقاعُد

    دِراسة نَظَرِيّة التَّعَلُّق وآثارِها على العَلاقات

    استِكشاف نَظَرِيّات الحُبّ والأُلفة والإلتِزام

    فَهم كَيفِيّة تأثير الإختِلافات الفَردِيّة على ديناميكيّات العلاقات

    كَونَك مُدَرّب للمُدَرّسين سَوفَ تَتَعَلَّم أفضَل التِّقنِيّات العِلمِيّة:

    إستراتيجيّات وتِقنِيّات التَّعليم

    تَعزيز التَّفاعُل ما بَين الثَّقافات

    دَليل المُعَلّم للتَّطَوُّر الشَّخصي (مِن الصَّفّ الأوّل حتّى الصَّف الثالِث مِن المَرحَلة الثّانَوِيّة)

    التَّطَوّر المِهَني مِن خِلال تِقنِيّات إدارة الصَّفّ   

    الدَّليل التَّعليمي للتَّطَوُّر الشَّخصي

    التَّوجيه المِهَني للطُّلّاب والمُعَلِّمين

    تَمَّ تَصميم هذه الأدَوات لِدَعم المُدَرّسين في مُختَلَف جَوانِب تَطَوُّرِهِم المِهَني ومُمارَساتِهِم التَّدريسِيّة.

    إنّه مَجال تَدريب مُتَخَصِّص في المَهارات العَقلِيّة وهُوَ نَموذَج لِخِدمَة سَهلَة الاستِخدام يُقَدّم فُرصَةً عَمَل «مَرَّة في العُمر» لِتأسيس مِهنَة مُربِحة لِلغاية بِدَوامٍ جُزئي أو بِدَوامٍ كامِل لِتَطوير الأفراد (ضِمنَ فِرَقٍ أو مُنفَرِدين في مُمارَسَة خاصّة وشَخصِيّة)

    مِن الضَّروري أن يَقوم جَميع الرِّياضِيّين بِما يَلي:

    تَحديد كَيفِيّة تَأثير نِقاط قُوَّتِهِم وضُعفِهِم العَقلِيّة على أدائِهِم ورَفاهِهِم ؛

    اكتِساب قُدُرات عَقلِيّة جَديدة، وتَعَلُّم كَيفِيّة تَعزيز نِقاط قُوَّتِهم وتَقوِيَة نِقاط ضُعفِهم.

    مَعَ استِمرار عالَم الرّياضة في تَسريع وَتيرَتِهِ، يُترَكُ الرِّياضي (بِغَضّ النَّظَر عَن مَوهَبَتِهِ الطَّبيعِيّة) في مَكانِهِ إذا لم يُطَوِّر قُدُراتِهِ العَقلِيّة باستِمرار من أجلِ النَّجاح.

    اتّباع نَهج تَدريس و «تَدريب تَوجيهِي» مَع عُملائِهِم.

    التَّركيز على المَساحَة الزَّمَنِيّة الحالِيّة والمُستَقبَلِيّة لِتَحقيق أهداف احتِياجات الأداء لِعُمَلائِهِم.

    استِخدام تِقنِيّات المَهارات العَقلِيّة الُمتَقَدِّمة والمُعاصِرة والقائِمة عَلى العِلم.

    استِخدام التَّعَلُّم السَّريع (عادةً في جَلسَتَين أو ثلاث جَلَسات قَصيرة فَقَط) لِتَمكين الأشخاص مِن تَدريب أنفُسِهِم ومُمارَسَة تَمارينِهِم العَقلِيّة المُخَصَّصَة.

    إحالة الأشخاص الذين يُعانون مِن مِشاكِل نَفسِيّة إلى طَبيب نَفسي مُرَخَّص.

    تَمَّ تَصميم نافِذَة الفُرَصِ الهائِلة لِتَدريب المَهارات العَقلِيّة الرّياضِيّة لِلمُدَرّبين المُعتَمَدين الذين تَمّ إعدادُهُم على استِخدام مِنهَجِيّة عُلوم الرّياضَة المُثبَتَة والمُتَطَوِّرة والتي يَتِمُّ تَقديمُها عَبر تَمارين ذِهنِيّة سَهلَة الاستِخدام وقَصيرَة ويَومِيّة.       


    Course Category

    Online Coaching Lessons
    For Remote Learning

    خِرّيج مِن مَختَلَف دُوَل العالَم
    0 +
    مؤَسَّسة عَميلة
    0 +
    شَخص مُتَدَرّب ومُتَمَرّن
    0 +
    0 +
    بَرنامَجًا تَعَلُّمِيًا دَولِيًا
    0 +
    دُوَل في العالَم
    0 +
    دَليل خُطوَةً بِخُطوَةٍ

    لِرِحلَةِ البَرنامَج التَّعَلُّمي

    الخُطوَةُ الأولى

    شِراء البَرنامَج

    تَسَجَّل وسَدِّد الدَّفعة الكامِلة لِبَرنامَج التَّعَلُّم عَن بُعدٍ.

    الخُطوَةُ الثّانِية

    رابِط النّظام الآلِيّ

    تَلَقَّ رابِطًا للنّظام الآلِي لإِجراءِ تَحليلٍ لِمواقِفِكَ.

    الخُطوَةُ الثّالِثة

    تَوجيهُ التَّدريب

    إحضَر جَلسَةَ تَدريبٍ لِمُراجَعَة تَقييمِكَ وتَلَقَّ بَريدًا إلِكترونِيًا مُفَصَّلاً.

    الخُطوَةُ الرّابِعة

    الخُطوَةُ الرّابِعة

    إحصَل على وَحَدات التَّعَلُّم الذّاتي لِتَدرُسَ على وَتيرَتِكَ الخاصَّة.

    الخُطوَةُ الخامِسة

    مُساعَدَةٌ مِنَ المُرشِد

    إعمَل مَعَ مُدَرِّبٍ على خُطَّة عَمَلٍ خِلال الدَّورات التَّدريبِيّة.

    الخُطوَةُ السّادِسة

    إتمامُ دِراسَةِ حالاتٍ

    قُم بِدِراسَةِ حالاتٍ على عُمَلاء حَقيقِيّين بَعد اجتِيازِ التَّقييمِ النَّظَرِي بِنَجاحٍ.

    الخُطوَةُ السّابِعة

    الشَّهادَة الدَّولِيّة

    إحصَل على شَهادَتِكَ الدَّولِيّة بَعد إنجاز الخُطُوات السَّابِقة بالكامِل.

    الخُطوَةُ الثّامِنة

    حُزمَة الأعمال التِّجارِيّة

    إستَكشِف حُزماتُنا للأعمال التِّجارِيّة المُتَوَفّرة والمُصَمَّمَة  وِفقًا لاحتِياجاتِك. 

    شَهادات مانتور آند غايد

    دَوراتُنا الرّائِعة والسَّهلَة التَّعَلُّم
    تَسجيلات صَوتِيَة، فيديوهات، مُتابَعة فَردِيَة،
    باللُّغَتَين العَرَبِيّة والإنجليزيّة

    إضغَط على الزّر أدناه لِحَجزِ جَلسَةٍ تَوجيهِيّة مَع خُبَرائِنا.  

    خِرّيجو مانتور آند غايد

    تَعَرّف إلى مُختَلَفِ خِرِّيجينا!

    فَريق مانتور آند غايد

    تَعَرَّف إلى فَريقِنا ومُدَرِّسينا

    ميشال جبّور

    مسؤولة التَّدريس ومُعالجة نفسيّة

    دايان بو عيسى

    مسؤولة التَّسويق والعَلامات التّجارية

    سِبى نعمة

    سِبى نعمة

    يارا الملّو

    مُتَرجِمة أخصّائيّة دَعم تَعليمي

    مُنى مُصطفى

    مَندوبة المَبيعات

    ستيفاني ماروني

    مَسؤولة المَبيعات

    فاتن سكر

    مَندوبة مَبيعات

    شَهادات حَيَّة

    Rita Abi Khalil Certified pranic healer, Certified NLP coach, Sexual agility specialist, Master Coach

    I enrolled in the Master Coach course with Mentor and Guide, and it has significantly enhanced my coaching skills. The program’s comprehensive curriculum, personalized guidance, and practical exercises have equipped me with invaluable tools to excel in my coaching practice.

    Country: Lebanon

    Zeinab Awada Psychology student and Master parental and children behavior coach

    This program has completely transformed my coaching skills over the past 18 months. From day one, the instructors provided us with consistent guidance, actionable strategies, and insightful sessions that helped me develop a deeper understanding of children’s emotional and behavioral needs.
    As a parent, I have become more confident and patient, equipped with tools that allow me to foster a positive, respectful, and supportive environment. My children have responded with noticeable improvements in their emotional regulation, communication, and cooperation. The coaching empowered me to approach difficult situations with calm and clarity, which has strengthened our relationships as a family.

    Country: Lebanon

    Martine Khoury Master Life Coach “Life & Emotions”

    Joining Mentor & Guide’s Master Life Coaching Program has been a transformative experience for me on personal, social, and professional levels.
    It fundamentally shifted my mindset and equipped me with the essential tools and strategies needed to excel as a professional Life Coach.
    Thanks to this program, I now have the confidence and knowledge to make a meaningful and positive impact in the lives of those around me.

    Country: Lebanon

    Karen Zgheib Psychomotor Therapist

    As a psychomotor therapist, I am always seeking ways to enhance my skills and better support the families I work with. The Master Parental & Children Behavior Coaching Program has equipped me with invaluable tools and insights that are already making a significant difference in my practice.
    The program was exceptionally well-structured, combining theoretical knowledge with practical application.
    One of the standout features of the program was the commitment to follow-up. The coaching provided ensured that I had the support I needed to implement the techniques effectively. This ongoing guidance not only reinforced my learning but helped build my confidence as I navigated new approaches in my practice.
    Participating in this program has positively impacted my career by broadening my understanding of child behavior and the nuances of parental influence. I now feel better equipped to facilitate meaningful changes in the lives of the families I work with.
    Incorporating the skills I’ve acquired from the Master Parental & Children Behavior Coaching Program into my practice has already led to positive feedback from families and noticeable progress in their children’s behavior and development. I am excited to continue leveraging this knowledge to foster a more supportive and effective therapeutic environment.
    I highly recommend this program to any professional looking to enhance their competence in child and parental behavior. It is truly a transformative experience that will undoubtedly elevate your career and your impact on the families and children you work with. Thank you to Mentor mini me for an incredible learning experience!

    Country: Lebanon

    Rami Alameddine Clinical Psychologist and Startup Coach

    The Mentor Guide program is very comprehensive, the team goes the extra mile to educate us and offer more than what you will get with another program. I am thankful I chose them over others.

    Country: Lebanon

    Salma Khalil Case worker & Parent coach

    Participating in a parenting coaching program profoundly impacted my journey to becoming a parental coach. The interactive workshops and personalized mentorship provided me with essential skills to help parents foster nurturing family environments. I am deeply grateful to my mentor and the academy for their guidance and support, which have been crucial to my growth in this fulfilling role.

    Country: Lebanon

    Sona Bakalian Master life and emotion coach

    Completing Mentor and Guide’s coaching course marked a significant milestone in my life. I owe much of my growth to my dedicated instructor and the comprehensive curriculum that instilled in me a deeper understanding of the principles and practices essential for effective coaching. Looking forward to applying the strategies and knowledge you shared for making a positive impact in my future endeavors. My extended thanks to the entire team for their unwavering support.

    Country: Lebanon

    Fatima Tayba Psychologist & Relationship Coach

    I’m grateful for the relationship coaching program with Mentor and Guide Academy. It exceeded my expectations with its comprehensive curriculum and supportive mentors and the program’s flexibility which allowed me to balance my commitments. I’m confident the skills I gained will benefit my clients as I start my journey as a relationship coach. I highly recommend Mentor and Guide Academy to aspiring coaches. Thank you for this transformative experience.

    Country: Lebanon

    Jad kassas Business consultant / Master Coach

    The Mentor and Guide Master Coach program has been a positive and fruitful experience. I highly recommend it as i am grateful for the transformative experience and the tools I gained to excel in both my personal and professional life.
    The personalized guidance and support I received helped me unlock my full potential as well as enhancing my skills in helping other people change their lives.
    The flexibility of the program made it easy for me to finish my readings and researches on time as well as handling other daily duties.

    Country: Lebanon

    Maya Matta Master Coach

    The program is very interesting and fully detailed with important information that guide you to start with the coaching carrier.
    The mentors are highly educated and experienced, and always ready to assist you whenever needed.

    Country: Lebanon

    Ola Khaddaj Nasr Team Leader

    A dynamic professional with a diverse academic background, including a BA in Translation & Languages, a Teaching Diploma, and an MBA in Business Administration/Educational Management. I do believe that a teaching experience along with the expertise in quality management provide individuals with a unique combination of attributes that are vital to nurturing coachees. My journey towards personal and professional growth began with self-improvement literature and blogs, thus securing a position with professional coaches at Mentor & Guide. Inspired by their impact, I’m passionate about empowering others to overcome obstacles and achieve goals. Becoming a Master Coach is not just a profession but a mission to uplift others and hone their team-building skills, operations, leadership style, goal-setting, and mindset.

    Country: Lebanon

    Ghaidaa Chehab Parental Coach

    The Parental Program has been a profoundly enriching experience. The comprehensive knowledge and unwavering support provided by the academy have given me the confidence and skills needed to pursue my coaching journey. This program has significantly deepened my understanding of parenting dynamics and equipped me to effectively guide others through the challenges of parenthood. I am immensely grateful for the encouragement and mentorship I’ve received, which have been pivotal in my personal and professional development.

    Country: Lebanon

    Sana Jouzou Life and parenting Coach

    I am excited to share my heartfelt testimonial as a recent graduate of this esteemed parenting coaching course, which has been a beacon of knowledge in self-improvement, effective parenting strategies, and children development. The comprehensive curriculum and expert guidance have equipped me with a deep understanding of core concepts essential for successful parenting.
    This course has been an invaluable journey of growth, and I am immensely grateful for the transformative experience it has offered me as a parent and now a certified parenting coach. I wholeheartedly recommend this institution to anyone passionate about making a positive impact on families and children’s lives.

    Country: Lebanon

    Sandy Georges Ziadeh Educator and Master life coach

    I recently completed the master life coach course with Mentor and Guide, and the experience was transformative. The curriculum was comprehensive and well-structured, covering all the essential aspects of effective coaching. Coach Michelle Jabbour was highly knowledgeable and genuinely passionate about helping me succeed.

    What stood out to me the most was the personalized feedback and the practical approach to learning. I was encouraged to apply the techniques in real-life scenarios, which significantly boosted my confidence and skills. The supportive community and networking opportunities provided through the course were invaluable.

    Thanks to Mentor and Guide, I now feel equipped to make a meaningful impact in my coaching career. I highly recommend their courses to anyone looking to enhance his / her coaching abilities and achieve professional growth.

    Country: Lebanon

    Houssam Itani Senior breeders supervisor

    Getting a Master Coach Certificate from Mentor And Guide is a start up. It was not a week or 2 workshop journey, it was more than 200 hrs of educational process, of reading materials, following up sessions, and learning sessions; provided by highly qualified and experienced staff whom equipped us with the most updated coaching tools and techniques, and never hesitated to mentor and guide us in our future coaching business.

    Country: Lebanon

    Maria kassouf Ghosn


    Emma Zakhour Elia COORPORATE Corporate Coach

    I’ve always found joy and passion in helping others. Despite exploring various fields in life, coaching remains my true calling. Joining Mentor and Guide has been a pivotal step in my journey. As a Master Life and Emotional Coach, and having recently completed the High Performance Behavioral Coaching program, I’m fully prepared for what lies ahead.
    The corporate coaching program was particularly enlightening, equipping me with fast and effective techniques that have yielded exceptional results. I’m grateful to Mentor and Guide for their invaluable guidance and support. I look forward to helping you achieve your goals, discover your worth, and unlock your limitless potential.

    Country: Lebanon

    Hanadi Mahbouba استاذة وادارية

    شكرا” جزيلا” لل Mentor And Guide الاكاديمية المميزة خاصة رائديها جوزيف وميشال لكامل المجهود المفيد والتفاعلي، الذي يؤمن برنامج عملي ممتاز ويتيح فرصة للتطبيق وتطوير المهارات. برنامج تدريبي ينظم المهام ويحدد الأولويات، يعزز كفاءة الفريق.

    Patricia Nabih Social worker at college immaculate Conception

    “Enrolling in the Mentor and Guide Academy’s Master Coach Program has been a truly transformative experience for me. I have found guidance and support to help me unleash my full potential. The program, led by exceptional coach Michelle, provided me with the tools, knowledge, and consistent support I needed to reshape and realign my mindset.
    Coach Michelle was compassionate, dedicated to her work and contributed greatly to my growth. She helped me develop the version of myself I always imagined myself to be and through her guidance and the program’s comprehensive approach, I was able to develop the confidence, skills and self-awareness needed to achieve my goals.
    Today I am extremely grateful to the Mentor and Guide Academy, and especially to Coach Joseph, for creating this transformative program and fostering an environment for personal and professional growth. This experience has changed my life and grown my self-confidence, and I would highly recommend it to anyone looking to embark on a journey of self-discovery and fulfillment.”

    Country: Lebanon

    Marilynn Fayssal Master Knowledge management specialist at PwC Lebanon

    The Master Coach course was a transformative experience for me. The guidance and support of the coach helped me understand the material better, ask any questions I had, and set goals for the future. The highlight of the journey was working with volunteers, as I learned a lot and differently from each one of them. This journey helped me step out of my comfort zone and expand my knowledge in a field I like, aligning perfectly with my purpose. I am looking forward to applying these skills in my future endeavors!

    Country: Lebanon

    Maguy Abi Nassif Master Manager of the Medical Service Department

    I decided to embark on this learning journey to become a Master Coach because I have always been fascinated by human nature, their needs and the ways to help reveal their inner potentials. Throughout this educational path, and with the assistance and support of Mentor & Guide’s professional team, I have grown significantly and acquired new knowledge that will assist me in achieving my goals.

    Country: Lebanon

    Ghada Waked Nader Master Journalist and Marketing consultant

    I am truly thankful for the enriching and transformative experience I gained from the master coaching program. It offered me a profound journey of self-discovery and enhanced my interpersonal skills.
    The rich-content modules are invaluable tools that provided me with a depth of knowledge and practical insights.
    I highly recommend it to anyone seeking personal growth and continuous improvement.

    Country: Lebanon

    Petra Naji Abi Farah Psychologist and Coach

    Thank you, Coaches Joseph and Mishelle, for your continuous support and the inspiration you’ve provided. Your guidance has been instrumental to my success. I am grateful for the skills you’ve nurtured me with and the valuable lessons you’ve taught me to become a parental coach.Thank you for being an exceptional mentor.

    Country: Lebanon

    Myriam Paul Cezanne Garabetian Registered Nurse, Accredited Life Coach,Tutor for early childhood education Coordinator of counseling department and community service

    My journey at Mentor Guide as a student in parental life coaching has been a profound and enriching experience. From the outset, I’ve been immersed in a supportive and dynamic learning environment dedicated to nurturing aspiring life coaches. Throughout my studies, I’ve delved into the intricacies of parenthood, gaining valuable insights into the complexities of familial relationships. Each lesson has equipped me with practical tools and strategies to guide parents through the challenges and joys of raising children.
    “”Not to forget the easy process to join the life coaches association, as Mentor and Guide Academy has streamlined the path, making it accessible through study cases and required hours to cover. A big thank you to Mrs. Mishelle Jabbour Aoun and the entire executive team, especially Mr. Joseph Feghali, for their invaluable support and guidance throughout my journey.

    Country: Lebanon

    Mirella Al-Geitany Mohasseb Journalist and Master Coach

    Studying at Mentor and Guide has been an overwhelmingly positive experience, primarily due to the exceptional professionalism demonstrated by the institution. In an era where life coaching has become a popular trend, the lack of professionalism among many practitioners often leads to negative outcomes for clients. However, this academy stands out as a beacon of excellence in this regard. First and foremost, the faculty members at the academy are highly qualified professionals with extensive experience in their respective fields. Their expertise not only enriches the learning experience but also instills confidence in the quality of education provided. Moreover, Mentor and Guide maintains high standards of ethical conduct and integrity in all aspects of its operations. From the curriculum design to student interactions, there is a clear emphasis on upholding professional ethics and values. This ensures that students are not only equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge but also with a strong moral compass to guide their practice. Additionally, it fosters a supportive and collaborative learning environment where students are encouraged to share ideas, seek feedback, and grow together. This sense of community not only enhances the learning process but also prepares students for the collaborative nature of the coaching profession. “Many thanks to coaches Joseph Feghali and Mishelle Jabour, as well as the entire administrative body, for all their efforts, as they serve as a shining example of excellence, setting a high standard for aspiring coaches everywhere.

    Country: Lebanon

    Gisele El Boueiz Quality Assurance Manager

    The coaching journey with Mentor and Guide was exceptional with the guidance of the incredible coach Mishelle whom I really appreciate her supervision and support. The Mentor and Guide academy created a beneficial environment that encouraged not only learning but personal growth as well. The high experience of mentors and their dedication made a significant impact on my development as a coach. Thank you, Mentor and Guide, wishing you continuous growth and success.

    Country: Lebanon

    Farah Teryaki Skills and career coach

    Mentor and Guide have been instrumental in shaping my career and skills. They have provided invaluable advice, support, and guidance throughout my professional journey. Their insights, expertise, and encouragement have helped me navigate challenges, overcome obstacles, and seize opportunities for growth and development. Thanks to their mentorship, I have been able to enhance my skills, expand my knowledge, and achieve my career goals. I am truly grateful for their dedication and support in helping me reach my full potential.

    Country: Lebanon

    Mayssa NASR CMO (Chief Marketing Officer)

    “The program is very well designed, whereby you read and reread the theoretical part at your own pace (the modules are very detailed with many examples), coupled with a one on one follow up with your coach after 2 weeks. Mishelle is always available to answer all the questions. The videos are also a perfect tool to understand the techniques and important subjects, especially the study cases that are real life examples. The practical part is the best since you will get quickly immersed in the coaching universe with a certain adrenaline hype 🙂 I would recommend the program to anyone who would like to pursue a coaching career”

    Country: Lebanon

    Rafka Aoun Educator

    I am immensely grateful for the opportunity to participate in Mentor and Guide master coaching program. The guidance and support provided by the program have empowered me to overcome challenges, develop new skills, and achieve my goals. And I look forward to continuing this journey of growth and self-discovery.

    Country: Lebanon

    Rachelle Chaaya Deye Psychologist and Master Parental educator

    I highly recommend this amazing experience with ‘Mentor and Guide.’ The comprehensive curriculum, training, and support from the instructors equipped me with practical skills and deepened my understanding of effective coaching. Now, as a parental coach, I feel prepared, thanks to them, to make a meaningful impact on the parenting journeys of others.

    Country: Lebanon

    Normal Oueidat Master Parental Educator

    During my long career in education, I wanted to develop my skills and experience in behaviors and relationships between parents and their children. In all matters pertaining to the topic of family training, the Mentor and Guide Academy provided me with clear and well-considered guidance, moral support, and practical assistance. I would like to express my gratitude to this academy for providing me with information and guidance that gave me discretion in terms of content and professional development.
    Thank you, Mentor and Guide and all its staff.

    Country: Lebanon

    Mirvate Jammal Master Coach

    “بالبداية شكر كثير كبير لعائلةmetor & Guide وبهنيهم على جهودهم الكبيرة والمثابرة للوصول لافضل نتيجة بعالم التدريب والتخريج المدربين وبحب ضيف رايي المتواضع فيهم من خلال تجربتي معهم، فريق mentor &Guide دائما بيسعى للتطور والتحسين من ادائه، متماسك فاهم شغله كثير منيح عنده خبرة كبيرة واكثر شي حبيته فيهم طريقته بالتعامل مع المدربين اللي بتختلف من شخص للثاني على حسب كل انسان وخلفيته والمستوى التعليمي اللي جاي منه وبرايهم كل انسان بيقدر يوصل شو ما كان عمره وشو ما كان دراسته المهم هو يقرر.
    تعلمت منهم الشجاعة و تخطي الخجل وكثير مبسوطة اني اخترت صح وكنت من ضمن الاشخاص لحالفن القدر بأني اتعرف عليهم و اتسجل بهذه الاكاديميه.
    شكر كثير كبير قد الكون لكوتش ميشيل اللي كانت داعمة ومشجعة لحد كبير ولكوتش جوزيف لدايما ورانا لنكون افضل و نتطور بتمنى لكم التوفيق دائما وان شاء الله للقمة بعالم التدريب لانكم بتستاهلوا.”

    Khalil Maalouf Senior team leader

    My journey with Mentor & Guide was a turning point in my life. Here my abilities were exposed with the help of professional trainers, their hard work and dedication have made learning easier. Thank you coaches for every effort you made, thank you for the great community you are raising.

    Country: Lebanon

    Rita Harb Samarani Master Parental Educator

    Le programme est complet et traite les différents points pour tout savoir sur le comportement des enfants. Les mots-clés sont mis en relief et ouvrent des horizons sur d’autres idées.
    Mentor Mini-Me était un bon choix pour moi afin d’élargir mes connaissances en tout ce qui concerne le monde de l’enfance.

    Country: Lebanon

    Kawthar Ghazal Master Coach

    The Master Coaching behavioral program has been a valuable journey, providing expert guidance and mentorship. It has exceeded my expectations, offering unparalleled mentorship and guidance. The wealth of knowledge gained has not only developed my coaching abilities but also equipped me to confidently mentor and guide others. The program’s holistic approach and dedicated mentors have been instrumental in elevating my coaching practice and truly elevated my coaching proficiency.
    Thank you for always supporting me.

    Country: Lebanon

    Wafaa Dawi MASTER COACH Administrative Director of the Supreme Islamic Shiite Council

    My experience with Mentor and Guide Academy was excellent, and I acquired many new skills. What attracted me the most was the approved behavior change techniques provided by the Academy program, and while working on them with people, they were very successful.
    With much appreciation for the entire academy team for all their exerted efforts.

    Country: Lebanon

    Yara Hani MASTER Communication and Partnership Manager

    Upon my initial meeting with my mentor and guide I felt as if I had become part of a big family. The wealth of knowledge and profound insights gained during this experience has been truly eye-opening and life-changing. Moreover, the ongoing journey of self-discovery and understanding of both oneself and those around you has become a source of daily enrichment for me. You will see the effect this course has on you will carry on with you even after you’re done!

    Country: Lebanon

    Zainab Al Saadi Master Coach

    First I’m thankful for the community of mentor and guide and the friendly & supportive attitude from coach Joseph and coach Mishelle
    Second I like the content of the program it’s very rich and full of great informations about coaching and mental health
    The process of the reading was difficult to me because it’s self reading and I have a problem with that kind of reading
    The weekly sessions was very helpful and explain the issues in the content

    Country: Lebanon

    Silvana Badawi Master coach and Psychologist

    This course includes information that helps a person understand the extent of his control over his life experiences and his ability to change his reality, and thus he/she becomes a coach who helps people live the life they want.

    Country: Lebanon

    Raymond Beyrouthy MASTER Cartier boutique Manager

    I would like to thank and appreciate Mentor & Guide academy for the opportunity of being available in Lebanon to be able to participate in the Master Coaching sessions.
    The self learning was very interesting through discovering the 4 modules, each of these modules is very rich in information and knowledges plus in parallel the weekly zoom meeting which become our second skin and how the team is supporting us with their smooth way of transferring messages to be more & more familiar with the multiple techniques of Coaching materials.

    Last and not least my testimonial on what I gained and developed in myself is: wellbeing, positivity, confidentiality, progressing in my mindset plus interaction with people and surroundings, discovering what can be the weakness is my personality, strong awareness, clear vision and so on.

    Mirna Osseiran MASTER Daycare director & early childhood consultant

    The master coach program was not only one of the best learning experiences i had but also a real mindset change on the personal level. The practical and informative approach and also the weekly follow-up made this program process easier while giving me the tools and methodology that will allow me to apply my knowledge and coach effectively.

    Country: Lebanon

    Abir Labban Psychologist, Pranic Healer and Master Coach

    I would like to thank Mentor & Guide for this special course. In addition to all the valuable information, I learned to distinguish between the role of the coach and the role of the psychotherapist and the necessity of separating the two roles, because each of them has its own importance, and the two roles complement each other and cannot replace one of them by the other as some people think. Special thanks to Coach Michelle, who accompanied me and followed me throughout the course, and for her efforts to explain the information in the simplest ways.

    Country: Lebanon

    Dr. Rima El Sweidi MASTER PHD Education Sciences

    This program changed my life! I started applying the coaching techniques and models on myself to understand better the behavioral change efficiency.
    I am proud to become a member of Mentor & Guide’s community and to be helping people achieve their goals effectively.

    Country: Lebanon

    Josiane Georges Saber Master Coach

    Enrolling in the Master Life Coach program marked a pivotal point in my professional journey. The curriculum’s focus on building effective communication skills, fostering meaningful connections, and unlocking individual potential has been truly enlightening. The program’s supportive community and the exceptional guidance provided by Coach Michelle added a layer of professionalism to the entire experience, transforming it into a thoroughly enjoyable and fruitful endeavor.

    On a personal level, this learning experience has been transformative. Previously, I harbored doubts about being in the right place in my career. However, the Master Life Coach program has not only dispelled those doubts but has become a passion and a calling. Falling in love with the program has been a profound shift.

    The feedback received from the three coachees provided an additional boost, affirming the practical impact of the skills acquired. I am now not only well-equipped but also personally fulfilled, ready to leverage these newfound abilities to make a positive impact as a life coach. I wholeheartedly recommend this program to anyone seeking a comprehensive and professionally enriching path, not just for career growth but for a transformative journey on a personal level as well.

    Petra Abi Farah MASTER, PARENTING AND CHILDREN COACH Educational Psychologist

    I couldn’t get more lucky to be part of this program with two very special and professional mentors and coaches. I will definitely use all the skills and information I have learnt. Thank you very much

    Country: Lebanon

    Emma Zakhour Elia Master Life Coach

    Mentor and Guide’s training program is really interesting, it makes you leave your comfort zone to chase your dream in becoming a life coach and helping others and make you put all your effort into understanding all the details needed to become a Master Coach. This program is followed by extremely interesting weekly sessions that help you understand and make sure that you get all the details of the models and answer all your doubts. And of course, the follow-up sessions will answer all your questions.
    This program will help you feel the change and be the change.

    Country: Lebanon

    Mohamad Jawad Souhail Audi DIPLOMA IN HIGH PERFORMANCE BEHAVIORAL COACH Educational and family Counselor (Mental Health)

    Studying life coaching, with Mentor and Guide, gave me a deeper understanding of the human psyche, equipping me with the skills to cope with my own mental health studies. This parallel path of self-improvement and life coaching has made me a more competent and compassionate practitioner. I’m now ready to guide others in their journey to well-being, all while prioritizing my own mental health. Moreover, this journey provided me with valuable tools for self-improvement and emotional well-being. Through the support of mentors and peers at mentor and guide, I found a network that helped me thrive academically and emotionally.
    My life coaching study journey, with mentor and guide, ran concurrently with my studies in mental health, and the combination has been transformative. This dual path allowed me to understand the close relationship between emotional well-being and achieving life goals. It’s not just about setting targets; it’s about supporting mental health and personal growth. This synergy has made me a more compassionate and effective life coach, ready to help others on their journey to holistic well-being. From my perspective, life can be described as a sequence of decisions, a succession of incremental modifications that cumulatively yield significant transformation. Embracing this philosophy led me to embark on a structured journey towards self-improvement, as I made the sound choice to enroll in a life coaching program offered by a respected mentor and guide. I wish to express my gratitude to the mentor and guide community for their unwavering commitment to my growth, diligent follow-up, and invaluable support.

    Country: Lebanon


    This program is beyond fruitful. The way it’s designed to let the coach understand how the mind works is outstanding and unique, no other place can offer what I just learned. It’s full of techniques, skills and information to deliver the best coaching experience anyone can get. Thank you mentor and guide for this experience and for offering a world class Coaching program.

    Country: Lebanon

    Lama Osseiran MASTER Agriculture Engineer, Hypnotherapist, BWRT cert. practioner and Energy healer

    This comprehensive program presented by Mentor & Guide, offers the required knowledge about human behaviors, emotions, wellbeing, self awareness and success in all areas of life.
    It has added a lot to my tool box, and placed other information into a more precise perspective.
    I am sure this program will have a strong positive impact on new learners and will expand their awareness and consciousness to transcend to higher levels.

    Country: Lebanon

    Nour Ghandour DIPLOMA IN HIGH PERFORMANCE BEHAVIORAL COACH Operation and Logistics Manager

    My journey with Mentor and Guide was very remarkable, where I have received valuable information in a professional and smooth method of learning. The program covers different topics that helps trainers and coaches understand the various aspects of human behavior.

    Country: Lebanon

    Roxane Gerges Pharmacist, Master Coach

    Thanks to the master coach program it helped me become more aware about my feelings and thoughts.
    On the other hand, this self-study program gave me the chance to learn how to adjust my life and the lives of others.
    Finally, the encouragement I needed to keep going came from my supervisor’s unwavering support, to keep pushing.

    Country: Lebanon

    Marie-RenÈe Najjar MASTER Breastfeeding Specialist and Educator/ Mental and Emotional Health Coach for pregnant and postpartum mothers

    After almost a year of when I first entered the program , I can now proudly say that I’m a Master Coach in the Mentor and Guide Academy. This journey has been life changing. The program serves as the perfect tool for self discovery and self awareness. Coach Mishelle was and still is the amazing mentor who encouraged me all the way, challenging me and helping me come out of my comfort zone to enter a world of self knowledge and knowledge of others around me. I really hope for the future that I can pass on these flames of knowledge to every mother and person I work with and be helpful to them as this program was helpful to me.

    Country: Lebanon

    Nahia Abou Ibrahim MASTER AND RELATIONSHIP COACH Judicial assistant

    This program has shed light on many crucial topics regarding behaviors and emotions and how to properly understand and change them, leading to a healthy recovery. It is rich in resources that yield a positive impact on our personal and professional lives.

    Country: Lebanon

    Rana Saad Corporate Coach and NLP Practitioner

    شكرا لأكاديمية Mentor & Guide على البرنامج الغني جداً بالمعلومات المتعلقة بعلم النفس وعلم الأعصاب والتقنيات. شكرا كوتش ميشال على الجلسات التعليمية الرائعة والمرافقة الشخصية التي أغنت مسيرتي التعليمية والمهنية. كانت رحلة ممتعة وأساسية في مسيرتي المهنية. أرجو لكم مزيدا من التقدم والتميز.

    Country: Lebanon

    Nisrine El Najjar Master Parental Educator

    My experience with this coaching academy has been truly transformative, and I am grateful for the opportunity to share my journey.
    Enrolling in the Mentor and Guide Coaching Academy was one of the best decisions I’ve made for my professional development as a coach. The program equipped me with the necessary skills and knowledge to become a master coach. Through their comprehensive curriculum, I gained a deep understanding of coaching principles, techniques, and methodologies.
    What truly set Mentor and Guide apart was their commitment to personalized guidance and support. I was paired with a phenomenal coach who provided invaluable mentorship throughout my learning journey. Their expertise, insight, and encouragement motivated me to continually improve my coaching abilities.
    Thank you, for providing me with the knowledge, support, and certification I needed to excel as a coach. I am grateful for the skills I have acquired and the personal growth I have experienced through your program.

    Country: Lebanon

    Tamadur Kassoua Child Education Specialist and Master Coach

    It was an amazing experience that lit hidden parts of my mind and soul, and let me value the importance of being responsible for raising my awareness and dealing with my emotions in a healthy way in order to develop the quality of my life in many aspects.
    Thanks to those who are in charge of this program for their support and kindness.
    I am grateful to acquire valuable knowledge and be able to pass it to those who need it.

    Country: Lebanon

    Rawya Wehbi Educator and Master Coach

    I am delighted to share my heartfelt appreciation for the exceptional experience I had with the Master Coach International Certification Program with Mentor & Guide Academy. This transformation journey has not only enriched my professional skills but also empowered me on a personal level. This program encouraged self-reflection and introspection, enabling me to deepen my self-awareness and uncover new insights about myself.
    Under the guidance of the coaches Coach Joseph Feghaly and Coach Mishelle Jabbour, I was able to develop a profound understanding of coaching principles and techniques. Throughout the program, I was really impressed by the depth of knowledge and expertise of my coach, Coach Mishelle. Your passion for coaching was contagious and your support and motivation lifted me to heights that were sometimes impossible. The curriculum was comprehensive covering a wide range of coaching methodologies and strategies. Through role-playing scenarios and real-life case studies, I gained confidence and refined my coaching techniques.
    If you are seeking a program that offers a truly transformative coaching experience, I wholeheartedly recommend the Master coach program with Mentor and Guide academy. It is a rewarding investment in your potential and career growth.

    Lara El Hage High Performance Coach / Business Management and Marketing

    We all need a little extra motivation in life to jump out of our comfort zone, pick ourselves up after being knocked down, and be our best selves!

    Country: Lebanon

    Joumana Tabet Educator and Master Coach

    Thank you mentor and guide for your inspiring and insightful program. Thank you coach Mishelle, the journey with you was amazing. The sessions helped us to clarify our thoughts, identify what we need to move forward and view the situation from a new angle. I really enjoyed the journey and of course the destination!

    Country: Lebanon

    Hoda Zein Master Coach

    My goal is to help women and youth to enhance their mental health. I would like to thank Mentor & Guide for their valuable training, it was a great experience.

    Country: Lebanon

    Rasha Tabbakh Psychologist and Master Coach

    Getting my Master Coach Certification and my Diploma in High Performance Change Program with Mentor and Guide, was one of the best accomplishments of my 2022-2023.

    Country: Lebanon

    Bassel Karam Educator and Master Coach

    Embarking on the journey of self-awareness is much needed to explore your hidden powers and to have a clear self-understanding so you can reach your full potential in order to cooperate, in the best way, with your life and environment and to have a big positive impact on the lives of others. It’s about the journey of becoming the best version of you.

    Country: Lebanon

    Perla Naaman DIPLOMA IN HIGH PERFORMANCE BEHAVIORAL COACHING Pedagogical awareness officer and agricultural coordinator in Agri-Youth project at ALPHA association

    I am deeply grateful for having had the opportunity to attend the Master Coaching and Diploma in High Performance Behavioral Change program, which provided me with a highly effective framework for transforming my life and enhancing my relationships with those around me. Through the guidance and mentorship of the program’s instructors, I was able to make significant improvements in my personal and professional skills, enabling me to make a meaningful impact within my community. The ongoing support and guidance provided by mentor and guide have been instrumental in my continued growth and development, and I am confident that the knowledge and skills I have acquired through this program will serve me well for years to come.

    Country: Lebanon

    Najwa Srour MASTER Lawyer

    I am so proud to get the certificate from your honorable institute.

    Country: Lebanon


    Lot of things happen within our body & brain, which has always been of interest to me.

    Country: Lebanon

    Liliane Kantar MASTER Psychomotor therapist, master coach

    As a master coach, graduated from Mentor and Guide Association, I believe that consistency and self development are the key for success. This certification guided me to understand human behaviour by connecting the dots among the brain, the body and the psyche side in the purpose to provide the individual and his family the proper solution for each situation.

    Country: Lebanon

    Khouloud Al Dimashki Master PHD in English language and literature

    What makes this program so special is that it gives the candidate the opportunity to enjoy the journey before reaching the destination. In addition to the dedication and utmost support of the team.

    Country: Lebanon

    Jamale Maatoouk Master Master Coach

    This experience was the most wonderful experience I’ve had, the team were so professional, our weekly learning session was so useful on both professional and personal level, coach Michelle is very supportive, always ready to help and guide. Thank you, mentor & guide, and a big thanks to coach joseph for offering me this opportunity to grow on many levels.

    Country: Lebanon

    Mireille Abboud MASTER Educator and master coach

    Mentor & Guide Coaching Program is a great opportunity for growth. Each module and workshop had its own impact on my personal skills. It teaches me how to reliably deliver positive coaching outcomes. I appreciate the time, care and attention put in creating such a challenging yet rewarding program.

    Country: Lebanon

    Dayana Kanaan DIPLOMA IN HIGH PERFORMANCE BEHAVIORAL COACHING Speech therapist, family coach and master coach, founder of alefia educational tools for children and specialists.

    The program has changed everything in and about my life. Each instructor played a unique role in shaping me into what I am today. I was taught how to take what I was given and turn it into an amazing experience, as well as my everyday life.

    Country: Lebanon

    Amal Al Akoumi MASTER Project Manager

    This has been an above-and-beyond learning experience. I have gained an invaluable amount of knowledge and confidence. I am finally ready to begin working as a Master Coach that I aimed to long ago.

    Country: Lebanon

    Rana Darwich MASTER Master Emotional life Coach

    When I enrolled in the coaching program within Mentor and Guide I have the opportunity to know my inner self. This program helps me to get back to reading my favorite hobby, and the learning sessions give me the opportunity to participate and loud my voice without fear.

    Country: Lebanon

    Solange Hachache abi zed MASTER Business affairs specialist, master coach

    The Master Coaching Program at Mentor & Guide is not just an educational certification, but a life changing journey that reshaped me. It contains everything needed to become a professional coach and a better version of yourself first, to be able to help others. The lifetime access to their library is an asset. It is a great source of information and materials that helps me build my coaching toolkits and training manuals. I am so grateful for being a graduate from Mentor & Guide’s community.

    Country: Lebanon

    Amani Jaber MASTER Educator

    Mentor and Guide tackles important topics to achieve behavioral change, improve our life and the overall environment in the workplace. Thank you for being supportive team and special thanks for coach Mishelle Jabbour who guided and supported me to grow on many levels through crucial discussions and weekly sessions all way long my journey.

    Country: Lebanon


    Thank you mentor and guide for your excellent work it’s clear you’ve put a lot of time and effort to provide us with information. Coach Mishelle Jabour , the training you’ve provided us has been outstanding. Thank you for sharing with us your mindset and experience that will keep on our mind in our future work.

    Country: Lebanon

    Amani Abboud master Personal Development Coach

    The master coach program was a life change experience for me, it was what I needed the most in my life journey. It helped me reshape and reorganize my mind to work and create the version of me I wish I become yet I didn’t do it alone I was guided and mentored in every step by the best wellness coach Mishelle. Thank you so much Coach Joseph for putting all the efforts in creating the course and this amazing organizations.

    Country: Lebanon

    Dr. Toula Al Khayer master

    Wonderful team, coach Joseph was very patient with every question and discussion, beautiful coach Mishelle makes all information flow smoothly, and even the technique support is amazing, love the time I spend with mentor & guide it was informative and inspiring at the same time. Thank you all for the experience…Looking forward for more to come courses.

    Country: Dubai UAE

    Michelle El Chemaly master Psychomotor therapist, family coach, BA in psychology

    It was a pleasure following the courses of Mentor and Guide. Even though the material is really big and informative, the coaching I got to get through it was amazing. Adding to this the online webinars in which all the topics are raised with an exchange of experiences and knowledge. Mentor And Guide covered all the aspects of being a coach from following up with you on a weekly basis to the assessment, the case studies and the report writing. I did not only acquire the knowledge I need to be a coach but also the right process I have to follow in order to start my path as a coach. Mentor And Guide raised the standards of the coaching programs and I highly recommend it to everyone who wants to pursue this path. Thank you Mentor And Guide ! And a special thanks to Mishelle Jabbour who was not only my mentor.

    Country: Lebanon

    Carla Naim Kordab master Coach and startup mentor

    The training with Mentor & Guide is a priceless gift ? present to myself. Thank you and I’m looking forward to attend more trainings.

    Country: Lebanon

    Cynthia Saade Madi master Head of Community at Economics Teacher at Saint Joseph School

    The program was thoughtfully designed with a perfect balance of theory, practice and experiential learning. Through the program, I gained a deeper understanding of myself and my goals, and I developed the skills and confidence I needed to achieve them. I highly recommend the Mentor & Guide Master Coach Program to anyone looking to enhance their personal and professional development.

    Country: Lebanon

    Joana Mallo Master Skills and Career Performance Coach

    Nowadays, everyone seeks improvement and professionalism. There are lots of products and services that claim to change our lives… Coaching is that crucial one that actually delivers on this promise. The mentor and guide academy allow us to have a powerful positive impact on self-confidence, wellness, work performance, and leadership development. This program is highly personalized and helps build self-awareness around the various roles and dimensions and have a profound impact on personal and professional lives.

    Country: Lebanon

    Rita Abi Khalil Certified pranic healer, Instructor pranic healer, master emotional coach, Master nlp Practitioner, Master hypnotherapist, Master TLT, trainer

    The Parenting Coach program has truly transformed my approach to parenting. It has helped me unlock my potential to better understand my children, effectively resolve issues, and always find solutions. Not only has it equipped me with the tools to navigate challenges with my own children, but it has also empowered me as a coach to assist other parents in overcoming their struggles. This program is comprehensive, engaging, and has a profoundly positive impact on your life. I highly recommend it to any parent or coach seeking to improve their skills and relationships.

    Country: Lebanon

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